The morning was filled with squeals of delight from our children. Things they have mentioned over the year that they would like were taken in mind and for most part delivered{minus what we deem ridiculous outside influenced requests like a cell phone, DSI XL, etc-you get the picture}. More mind engaging stimulating gifts are the style we go for and stray away from hand held device's or other mindless item gifts. {Panda went nuts over the professional Acrylic set up & Lil Man loved his Fushigi Ball optical illusion gift.He bores far easier then the girls where I see this item engaging him for hours as he tries to master the illusion of the ball levitating/rolling. Frog is still into dolls such as The American Girl's, so her favorite so far is the doll stroller & outfits which have not left her hands for hours}.
I awoke to an oven not working and began to stoke up a fire in the Fireplace while my wee ones tumbled one by one down the stairs...
Yes, we have FIRE! After some guidance from our poor gimped up Chimney sweep, we are able to keep a fire going until Spring. When he will finally be out of the cast and safely able to get up on the roof top.
I received 2 Cast Iron Bread pans and 2 Cast Iron Pie pans, much to my delight.
I spotted the Cast Iron Bread pans on CSN and they were sold out until recently. The Captain must have listened when I mentioned I wish I could find those pans somewhere else in case they no longer carry the item. He found them & the Pie pans. They have such cute handles and even sweeter, The Captain had one engraved with UUF {for Unusually Unusual Farmchick}.
With no Oven working,preventing the bread baking I planned, our Straight from the farm baskets look so empty. But none the less, all items are truly straight from our Stone cottage farm land and kitchen. Here is a peek at the label I made from a sketch found online {a Black berry queen perfect for the blackberry Montrachet wine} and the Jar lid covers I discovered in a book. I need to rethink how to do my baskets with the baking items missing, so nothing is packaged up as of yet.
While searching online, I did find an article by Canadian Living about the project which inspired my embroidered Jar covers.I picked the book up as I stood waiting 1 hour to have 1 bolt of fabric cut. It truly passed the time quickly with dreamy French General sewing projects. Instead of sewing eyelets around the circle of fabric, I used purchase crochet trim to adorn the edges. A thin ribbon "sewn" just above the trimming for tying the cover onto the jar.
I did freehand embroidery, so the patterns you can use over here*
will be different then my Blackberries, Pear & little red bird chick. They have a strawberry,an orange section,a bumblebee & either an apple or peach.
I have been spending my evenings sitting by the fire. Embroidering these little toppers and finding great joy in it. My hands are too shaky for drawing these days but with embroidery I found my colored floss thread will produces images I imagine. Just not as quick as it would be with drawing them.
I hope this Holiday season brings each and every one of you Great happiness, joy and health. With the New year of 2011 fast approaching, let us all take the time to make a better future for our families and selves. Start a new weekly tradition of family game night or story telling. Make a point to enjoy each others company and appreciate the little things. Homesteading is not just about the gardens and animals. It's about our families. Do not let the drive of Homesteading take away from why & who you do it for.
Sweetest dreams,
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