I received these just yesterday and am researching their preparation/cleaning and preserving for the upcoming Etsy shop. I am in love with the larger brim Black one that needs cleaned of some dust. Being they are not on a person, their appeal is not as justifiable in the pictures. These will all be prepared before listing and tidied up. I am contacting Our local University { Kent State Fashion department } for their help in many of the pieces. Their Professors will be a huge help in maintaining the integrity of the piece as well as it's rarity/ proper era.
I also have about 25 purses from the 50's/early 60's. One piece blows my mind in it's excellent condition and unique beauty.
I am not selling these for high dollars. I have searched the net and see a wide gap of price ranges. If your a bigger name seller, it seems items sell very high in dollars and more low key sellers are rather roller coaster in their prices. I see the worth in many of the pieces but refuse to take advantage. I want prices agreeable & affordable to all.
My awake hours are spent on every individual piece that requires hand cleaning.
Who knew it would be so much work?
I am hoping to see the seed catalogs arriving in the mail box soon. I am already dreaming of the garden. Desiring the more French Kitchen style & array. Seeing Kale on the blog of Sharon Lovejoy was a pure tease. Not that it was from her garden, she picked it up from the Market. But the memory of the unsuccesful cold frame I had growing great until the Nosey rabbits invaded the area. Not leaving a single piece, root or trace from the kale and winter density Romain I planted. I'm itching to get back out in the gardens!
We are rabbit free now and will hold off on getting more for a while. The Chicks will be ordered for delivery the last of January. Black Sex links and.... oh great. I already have forgotten. My mind has been so boggled for months now. Trying to keep things orderly which only cause extreme forgetfulness.
That's life for ya.
I have a knitting machine to set up for the kids. Received as their Solstice gift and non stop begging to get it set up.
Sweetest Dreams,
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