
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Indoor Fairy gardens! & How Bish came to be.

"You know the willow tree you always love to climb amongst the branch's? The one in the front yard? There is something very special about that tree. More then it's beautiful leaves dancing in the wind, calling for you to come out & play. To sit with your back against it's young trunk as you draw and read with your sister. Beneath the snow covered ground, just below it's trunk, it's a family of gnomes.
   There have been generations of gnomes living under the big Oak tree, where you see the squirrels racing for the fallen acorns. Their little paw prints painting the the snow on the tree side away from the road. But a new generation has made their home under the majestic Willow. Living within it's roots are a family of gnomes. Consisting of Momma & Poppa Gnome. Clara the youngest of the gnomes and Bish, her big brother.
Bish loves to explore the property all around us and he seems to be the most curious and mischief finding in his family. Although the humans who live in the big stone home are friendly, Momma Gnome must always remind Bish to stay away from their big birds called chickens and to tread kindly in their garden just beyond the feathered creatures. Would you like to hear a few of his adventures? How about the day he had his first chicken egg? O.k, lay down and snuggle into your pillow as I spin a tale of adventure. Discovery and delight...."
And that my friends, is how Bish the Gnome came about to dance in the minds of my children. A night where no story book would make our little Frog content. He not only receives many requests of tales, but has found a way to bring daily questions and amazing attention to detail in Frogs discussions.
So, I decided we would begin the makings of an indoor Fairy garden to continue the imagination. One that can be in each of the children's bedrooms, for their care and enjoyment. One that will most likely find it's way into their stories of Bish each night. Of course, a gnome door will soon find it's home against this now infamous willow tree as well.
For someone who does not have the space or time for a garden, this may just be what the Garden Doctor ordered! Maybe a gift or group project for a special child in your life.
I discovered a fabulous blog by The Pure Gardener that has the wheels of imagination spinning round as we plan out the indoor miniature plant varieties of their Fairy land.
Inspiration for your Fairy gardens: 
They have an online store that caters to your fairy garden & gnome needs.
And for their main blog page go here:
I am in love with this blue door they have put in for their Fairies/gnomes. It adds delightful color along with delight to the inner child. Imagine, walking in the yard and coming upon this site as a child?:
The Pure Gardener is located in Geneva, IL, which is a 6 hour drive from here. I was so disappointed to see how far away it is. I surely would have made the drive would it have been closer to 4 hours. I may just have to make a special summer trip with our children since I can not find another store close to home with such an array of delight. Being they have an online store, I can at least pick a few pieces to grace their gardens and to hide for their Spring Egg hunt.
Sweet garden dreams,

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