

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fabric-Covered Resin Table Redo {plus 23 other resin project ideas}

fabric covered chevron side table

I love trying new things!

And sometimes those ideas don’t turn out. If you read my blog a couple years ago you may remember this craft fail:

craft fail

I spent a week trying to figure out resin. And boy was it tough. It was either too hard, or too soft, or had bubbles, or stuck to the molds.  

At the end of that week I decided that resin and I would never be BFF’s.  

So when Environmental Technology said they wanted to send me some resin, I was excited but a little apprehensive. But what the heck, I was game to give resin another spin. And I’m so glad I did!! This Envirotex Pour and On product is a whole different, friendlier animal than the resin I had tried before.

fabric covered side table resin

I decided to redo a little garage-sale table that sits on my front porch. The porch is covered, but over the winter all of the paint had peeled off and it was in sad shape.

 And you know me, I just had to add a little Chevron to the mix LOL! 

Here’s what I did:

sand the old paint off

  • I sanded all of the peeling paint off with my trusty mouse sander. If you don’t have one of these, you need to get one PRONTO! Love it!

prime it

  • Then I primed the table with some spray paint primer.

paint it

  • Then I sprayed the table with some off-white spray paint. Very neutral. {I didn’t paint the top of the table or shelf because I knew I was going to cover it with fabric}

pick out the fabric

  • I decided to use black and white chevron fabric because it is neutral and goes great with my black front door. I cut out a square of material bigger than the top of the table and then cut around the top of the table so the material was pretty close to the same size as my table top. I did the same thing with the shelf too.

cut out fabric

  • Now one thing I do know about resin is that if you are going to use fabric or paper with resin, you need to seal it first so the resin doesn’t sink into the fabric or paper and discolor it. So I took my Mod Podge and put a thick layer on the top of the table and shelf. Then I laid the fabric on top and smoothed out all of the air bubbles. And then I put TWO layers over the top of the fabric. And I let it dry overnight. Once it was dry, I trimmed the fabric a little more so it was exactly the same size as the table top.

mod podge the fabric to the table

  • Now I was ready to get the resin out. I read the directions TWICE. One thing I had heard about this resin product was to measure PERFECTLY and time it PERFECTLY. So I did that. I also made sure to mix it thoroughly. So after 2 minutes exactly, I poured the resin on my tabletop and spread it out with a foam paintbrush.

enviroTex Lite supplies

time it exactly

mix well

  • I also spread the resin on the table legs to make the whole table waterproof – perfect for being outside on my porch all year!!

pour it on and spread it out

  • There were some bubbles, so I got out my little propane torch/lighter and ran it over the surface. It was amazing the way that propane gets the bubbles out. There were hundreds of tiny bubbles sticking to the fabric and the propane flame zapped them all up!

get the bubbles out

  • This EnviroTex material is so different from the resin I had tried in the past. It takes a while to set up. I let the table sit overnight and in the morning it was shiny and hard. So I did another layer of resin over the top and followed the steps just the same as I had with the first coat. And I let that dry overnight too.

Let it dry overnight

  • I have to say that I truly do love this product. I have some left over and I am trying to decide what to make with it next. I think some pendants or jewelry are coming up soon!!

me on the porch with chevron side table

And if you have ever thought of trying resin, Check out the other 23 awesome resin projects made by these creative bloggers!!  

 Pick some up this summer and make something cool with it! You can find Envirotex resin at most craft supply stores like Michaels, as well as most hardware stores!


ETI sent me this product to try out. You won’t believe all that you can do with this product. Envirotex Lite was created by Environmental Technologies Inc. (ETI), which is the home for many resin and mold making products.

The use of resin in jewelry making, mixed media and paper arts continues
to grow in popularity. Today, artists are using ETI’s products in many
crafty ways and they will be showcasing these works of art on their new
blog "Resin Crafts."

Check them out on:

Resin Crafts Blog

ETI on Facebook

ETI on Twitter


PS -- I am guest posting over on the Beneath My Heart today -- sharing my Ottoman Slipcover tutorial Do you know Traci?? If not, you are in for a treat!


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