
Monday, August 15, 2011

Converting a Tripod into a Lamp

I've been on the search for a {how- to} on converting a tripod into a lamp. I have an old telescope tripod base that I want to make into a floor lamp. Sooo, in searching I found this creative idea from The Painted Hive. Kristine was very resourceful and created a lamp out of an old music stand.
I just love this lamp!

Tripod Lamp (2)

Here's the HOW-TO:

First you'll need something
to form your lamp base:
Lamps (2)

{She found this stand for $6 on a thrifting adventure.}

And the following items are all
available at any hardware store...

A lamp switch:
Lamps (4)

A power outlet head:
Lamps (5)

A length of power cable:
Lamps (6)

The steps….

1. She removed the sheet music holder from the top of the tripod which left a nice hollow shaft perfect for housing the power cable.

2. To securely attach the lamp switch to the tripod, she first inserted the plastic thread (which comes with the lamp switch as shown above) into the top of the shaft and glued it firmly in place (you can see what she meant by this in one of the following pics).
If your lamp base won't easily accommodate the plastic thread then put your thinking cap on for a way to make it work.

3. Once the glue dried, she inserted the power cable into the hollow shaft so it protruded from both ends.

4. She wired and attached the power outlet head to the end of the cable as per the packet instructions.

Lamps (7)

If you're lucky enough to have a lamp kit this step is already done for you.

5. She wired and attached the lamp switch to the top end of the cable as per the packet instructions and screwed it onto the glued-in thread.

Lamps 1 (8)

Because the thread would only fit into the fat section at the top of the shaft, half of it was still visible once the head was attached (as can be seen above). She could have cut it down though instead decided to keep the extra length for greater stability and simply wrapped it in some twine as a camouflage.

Lamps (9)

6. She inserted a bulb, turned the power on and crossed her worked!


7. To finish she simply added a budget K-Mart linen shade.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to have a DIY lamp kit then this project gets a whole lot easier!

Sooo, from this:
Lamps (2)

To this:
Tripod Lamp

I'm lovin' this lamp not only because of the repurpose, but because it can be easily adjusted for the height, and the splay can be altered to best suit it's chosen location.

Rarely have I seen industrial style tripod lamps like this selling for under $150, so for around $30 she spent on this re-invention, it's well worth it!

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