
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Has it really gone by that quick?

I can not deny, it has been hard to stay away. So many things I would think of writing and have held firm to give myself the time to just breath. I'm not sure if I'm back yet. I just wanted to share I am taking the time to retrain my mind & eyes into enjoying the little things and not worry so much.
Some new things happening around here... I got a job outside the home. Now before you think I've gone all career woman, it's just once a week working for a women only fitness facility. I really like it with hopes of acquiring a few more days but am content with what I have.
Our little Frog has begun Kindergarten, the last of my wee ones going off to enrich herself. THAT is taking a toll on me with a bit of the empty nest feeling. I will adjust soon enough.
As for the Bee's they appear to be doing great. I only managed to get stung once with the last hive inspection due to my own stupidity. No veil & no smoker.. not the wisest decision I have made but it did leave a painful reminder.

The chickens? Well at 8 months I have yet to see a single egg. I've done the trouble shooting and have sunk low with threatening them in my best Queen of hearts accent "off with their heads!". I do not think they were all that impressed. They never are when I pull that one.
We got around to weed whacking the garden. Yes. it was exactly as you most likely are picturing. An embarrassment as well as a source of sadness to me. I did manage to salvage a few banana melon plants still thriving and am allowing to finish ripening. Without their weed coverage I hope it does not kill them off. There are a few black cherry tomato plants still going strong and I am looking forward to making the green ones into my delicious Green tomato chutney recipe from a few years back.

Oh! And not too long I spoke of the desire on finding us a row Boat. I have caught The Captain dreamily looking over ads & in store displays. I knew he so badly wanted one and after I received my Nikon D3100 {DSLR camera} a few months ago {from the selling of all that awesome vintage finds a friend helped me on}, I found a treasure for my captain... It is one of those stories where it seems too good to be true but Lady Luck smiled down upon me and granted one of our great family desires.

Now the story is that this boat has sat unused for 35 or so years. It hails from Chicago where it had been barely used when bought new then placed in a barn by it's 70 yr old owner where it would sit almost 15 more years. When the owner passed away, a relative came into it being no one else had any interest. So the man hauled it all the way out here in Ohio and promptly stored it in his {immaculate!} barn back in 1993. It sat until 2002 when he cleaned her off and finally got around to buying the sticker license with intentions to get her out on the lake. But instead..she sat. Right up until I walked by and the Tempest lured me in with her vintage AlumaCraft sticker and vintage aluminum body in amazing condition. She's filthy but a little elbow grease & she is sure to be a beaut!
Lets just say I got one heck of a deal that would knock the socks off many. The house & barn are up for sale with a Widower who just wanted things gone from the barn. I was happy to oblige.
To see the face of Little Man when I showed him this picture after saying "Wanna see what I got today?" made it even more worthwhile. A simple "hand reeling in the line" motion from The Captain has Lil Man jumping up & proclaiming "I'll get the stuff". He knows it's time to fish with his daddy. Enriching moments & times they both will cherish long after the boat is gone.

For now, I will gradually make my way back into blogging here but I have a secret to share. I've been cheating on you... I began blogging {to no one really being it is an undiscovered nor shared site} sharing my progress with my photos. Nothing big. Just every session i do with the kids I post a few favorites on there so as to keep track of my progress.
 I told you it was hard to keep away...
Until next time~
Sweetest Dreams,

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