

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The repurposed fence, Fall cleanup & Elusive find

We have had such beautiful weather of late and the cool comfortable weather looks like it will be staying awhile. Perfect for cleaning out the garden & getting some projects finished.
Last year I was able to get free & old privacy fencing to re purpose. Although it is not much of a change in it's use, I am rather happy to now have it as a Picket Fence around my garden. We are just now getting around to finishing up the white paint job. As you can see, we are still working our way towards the back. It's not perfect but it is for my own pleasure and viewing. Just another bonus of living where we have no side or back neighbors.  As for the rabbits, the bottom portion of the fencing inside will get chicken wire stapled all the way around.
This shot was taken first thing in the morning before I straightened the gate & began making the thyme & Rosemary bed which will go along the front , both sides of the gate.
 I am laying landscaper cloth over the ground with the plants coming through a small hole which will have black mulch laid on top & a plastic edging border to keep out the grass. It seems to creep in fast so I got creative & decided this would also enhance it's appearance- Note that the ground is uneven all around the garden so my fencing is not straight. I can deal with that by adding the front border of woody herbs.
I reduced my garden in half to now a 20 feet X 34 feet. This next year will be the first of doing intensive planting. I will NOT be defeated again.
After weed whacking the garden down to the ground, I tilled it over & have been sifting out the roots by hand. It has been so pleasurable to work in the garden after such disappointment this year. As I sat in this very spot, the sound of Root Beer crowing, the breeze flowing through  the trees, the sounds of nature echoing around me & my dog laying on a her favorite river rock... was a moment of such peace I wish to enjoy forever. It was in that moment and in so many I have had of late, I knew. I am home. For the first time ever I truly feel I have found Home.
So much left to do such as painting the inside of the garden fence and finishing the grape arbor/pagoda as well as the cement stucco compost Bin & rebuilding a proper stone Bonfire pit for The Captain. That man loves his weekend fires sitting under the same star pattern he looked upon in his childhood, just a few blocks away. I am slowly gathering the materials so it may not be until Spring for that one. The old will have to do for the rest of this season.
Oh! The Thrift store find I spoke of last. Well to understand the thrill you must know the tale. I have searched high & low for so many years trying to collect glass kitchen items that no longer come in glass but are plastic or metal. One of each kind for each of my girls. My daughters, my future daughter in law & for my most cherished Sister in law Marine. I inherited a glass canning funnel from The Captains grandma & cherish it immensely. I really did not think it would be almost 6 years before I would spot one in the thrift store but when I did..I truly GRABBED for it. Carrying it around in my purse before checking out so afraid it would break due to the adrenaline rush I received.
Silly, ay? Yeah. but thats just a part of who I am. It's the little things...
This one will go to my sister in law. This amazing woman who shares so much of the same interests & quirks with me. I joke with my baby brother that he married someone like his sister.  He could not have given me a better gift then to have this woman as my sister. So she gets my $2.50 rare & elusive find. Lucky girl. {I say that in jest but know she will appreciate it}. Just 4 more to go {Thankfully I have about 10 years before needing the next one for the rest of my girls}.
Sweetest dreams,


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