
Friday, November 4, 2011

A woman collecting firewood? Frost Morn's & Lovely Ladies

12 truck loads.. That how much free wood logs I was able to pick up & load myself thanks to the county road crew cutting & trimming trees on one of the back roads. Many as big round and almost as tall as myself.  I became proud when recognition of the crew's supervisor stopped by as I loaded the last of it. I thought for sure I did something wrong being he came by after all his guys left. We exchanged pleasantries when he got of his truck then commenting how nice it must be to have all his guys cutting firewood for me. I responded "It would mean a batch of homemade cookies and hot coffee if they could cut as fast as I can load.". He knew I meant it in jest as we both laughed. Before leaving he told me "it's pretty cool to see you out here hustling all this wood.. It's not something we see very often. if at all being your a woman.". I took it as a compliment and then understood why his crew seemed so amused with each new visit. { They even shared some anti poison ivy/oak wipes with me.}
I have alot of chainsaw play ahead of me and The Captain will do the splitting. I really suck at splitting. So fair trade in my favor.
 We have been waking to many days of frost. An early morning walk outdoors provided such interesting sites for Frog & I.
Russian Kale growing by the picket fence:
 Beautifully frosted Oak leaves in the front yard:

 And a rare in focus shot with 1 of the 2 new hens! I have yet to send their previous owner pictures due to their evading ways. My brood flock me every time, making it hard to get anything in focus when you have 12 chickens pecking anything they find interesting... like a camera strap, shoe laces, or my wedding ring {sparkly stones are sooo irresistible}.
Our 2 new ladies are a mix of Barred rock & Americauna! See the tufts? The only tell tale sign they are not pure with the only other coming when they lay... BLUE EGGS!

Sweet gals and slowly being accepted. My Andalusian hen tries so hard to partner up with them. She follows them around and stays a few feet away. Never intruding the bond the 2 have but trying so hard to be accepted in their small circle. I guess the one with the other gals left Andalusian at the bottom. She follows them everywhere, slowly at times getting a little closer until they allow her stand by them. Almost as though she is waiting for them to say "come on over".
Time has gone by so quickly and my job has gone from a 1 day a week  to a coming soon official manager job, around the first of the year. At least I enjoy it and I get to work out for free. O.k, more like the Ladies have given me no excuse NOT to work out.
Actually, the working out part is on hold this month due to the kidney stones. Did I mention I have NINE of them? 1 being stuck in the tube from my kidney to the bladder? yeah. Fun times. Fun times... Sonic blast Surgery is in the middle of the month, so it wont be long before I'm back to sweating, laughing with the gals over what they say are funny "concentration" faces I make when I get going on the machines. : rolling eyes. Their a trip.
Today is coop cleaning and bread baking. I also have a new Pie bird I can't wait to use! Such a low priced item but not something I see in many places. A trip to the Kitchen collection store produced one so I hopefully can avoid any more burnt pie filling in the oven bottom... Man, that stuff is like cement! Oh yeah.. Add that to the list of my day activities. Cleaning out the burnt black mess of my oven floor.
Until next time...

Sweet Dreams,

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