Thank you for your kinds words & support(you know who you are & I thank you so much). I have erased the entry as you can see. Blogging has become an outlet for me. A bit of therapy along with my journaling. It has also opened my eyes to different ways of living in this "crazy world". I am trying to convince my husband on purchasing a Yurt to place on our land untill a house is possible.
Here is the picture of one that inspired my"mad" idea. The image on the left was borrowed from pacific yurts. My link above on Yurts, is of Rainier Yurts. They seem to have the loft option and sturdy frame windows instead of vinyl. Before you think I realy am mad, remember I said untill the house was built. So for 1-2 years, we live in this on the property I speak of. After the house is established, we could do weekend rentals of the yurt to help compensate for its purchase. I guess they last 10-20 years and if we do it as a sorta B&B Chevre dairy farm thing for an adult/parent getaway, it should work out. Of course hubby looked at me like I realy was mad and said "I know you are upset right now, but remember how you swore you would never live in a tent again?".He is refering to my early childhood-pre foster care- that my Bio's had my brothers and I living out of our car & tents. But that was different. I had to explain how it was different too. They also pulled us out of school for 2 years & said they were homescholling us- Kinda funny when you think of how my bio mom was illiterate, yet she was "homeschooling" us. I guess all the time we spent in the library due to the heat was suppose to qualify. I was a bookaholic. I hungered for books and had to teach my older brother how to read. It all stopped when I ran away & exposed their lies & abuse. I finally got away just before my 15th birthday.
But thats off the subject. I have been lurking about this since I knew he would think it ridiculous. It would cost under $23,000 to have a yurt with one addition, a flooring system, and to hook us up to all the electric/plumbing needs. That is how much we would pay in rent or on payments in a house for 2 years. (we currently own our home.) So how would it be a loss? The largest is around 800 square feet plus you add in the loft option to have a sleeping area for the kids. You can make it very nice from what I have read up on. It is weatherproof and a wood burner stove would heat it nicely with yurts optional insulation on the walls. The addition is where I would put our bedroom, so we can have privacy. I would go with the 15 ft diameter for it. I feel this option of living in a yurt on the 7 acres back by the stream would give us privacy,family togetherness without outside interuption and to live feet away for overlooking our new home while it is in the process of being built. Has anyone lived like this before? Anyone know anyone? I would realy like to get some feedback on this but have not a clue how to find people with that experience. I must get away from this place and solitude is just the way I need it to be for awhile. Live close to Mother Nature and rediscover ourselves as a family.
Am I truly mad for this desire?? Should I just go get some crazy people pills or go straight to the white jacket? I use to be such a loving people person. I know that left me when I moved here to Ohio. The society here do not smile kindly on open minded ( & opinionated independent) women.
The locks "hotel style" have been put on the doors. I have kept the children in the house all day playing games and socializing with each other and myself. Those children from both families keep riding their bikes up & down in front of our property from one end to the other all day. Funny thing here is they never- I mean Never- have done that in the few years they lived here. Yesterday the one said to the other outloud- "I best go tell mom she is out feeding her animals". His mom was across the street talking with the mother of the little boy lil man played with. What was that?! Then the little boy came down to our house on his bike (just turned 5 years old) because he saw us out feeding animals in the morn. He said hi to lil man and lil man said hi back. Then the little boy said he was not allowed to play with him anymore because of what he did and he was going to play with those other kids. So I said to him" so why are you down at our house. They live across from you not down here. Goodbye." So as the little rode his bike away he yelled out "thank you for peeing on me" & lil man responded with a yell "your welcome"....
Now that put a smile on my face!
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