Remember my
post about the bird nest I found?
Well after drying it out & sealing in a ziploc for 2 weeks, I found it a home. This is an old change bowl of mine from like a decade ago. It fits perfectly! The eggs are from 2 of my chickens. It was their "first". The smaller one is from the much adored but passed "Strawberry", the white silkie. I am placing it on a high shelf for now. Little hands can be devastating on such precious things...

Today, Buddy gave Cleo a lesson in how to obtain those high up apple leaves. She is just too short so I had to pull a bunch off for her. I had to put them under the apple tree to gobble up the falling apples.

I do not understand why they are falling already. I had to spray more Pyola on them too. I really do not see a difference compared to last year. A few apples look better, but not enough to say it is worth the spray!
Weeding in the garden today-mine-, not Panda's, I spotted a few flower buds on the cloud 9 eggplants! Yipeee! I thought they were never going to bud!
And trimming up the tomato plants revealed tons of little surprises....
A. Black cherry tomato
B. Purple Russian tomato (maybe?) C. Striped Cavern tomato
This is our turken rooster nicknamed "Turken", but hubby named him roadrunner because of his long legs

and he reminds him of the roadrunner in cartoons. He seems to be a bit of a loner despite him having a female of his kind in the bunch.We have 11 hens for 2 roosters to share. The only other

male is Captain feathersword- which I thought was a silkie but is a silkie mix as you can see. Captain is a sweet and gentle roo to his ladies. If you are "lucky" enough to see him mate (I say lucky because he is rather shy about it), he behaves as though he does not mean to cause them upset & will get off their backs if they seem distressed by him. It truly is sweet. The turken has yet to find his crow and has not shown a single male behavior despite his saddle feathers and head gear being a sure spotter for one. All of the hens seem to be happier since I sent the aggressors off to camp. Of course Captain feathersword will stand outside my bedroom window and crow me awake at 6:45 am everyday if i do not close them up at night. So I am not complaining about having just one rooster crowing. I know I am just rambling here but thought i always talk of goats, gardens, kids, & hens more then i do of the guys. So think of this as an introduction to "the Guys". 2 very sweet and approachable roosters. I have to still catch them to hold, but once i have them they give in to the love. Best part is I do not have to worry about the kids being chased by roosters. If anything, the poor dears get chased by the kids.
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