So I go out to feed the ladies and seen something light blue by the feet of an otherwise buff colored orpington. As I got closer....
Well, a stupid idea to place---fly paper--- real high up in the coop where I thought was impossible for the ladies to get to resulted in this site this morning.

I am looking to buy a few baby turkeys. I would like to find a mating pair so I can have turkey in the freezer too. I think Imay check out the chicken forum to ask around for locals. Anyone raise them that can tell me any difference in their raising from chickens?
I will be tripping back to the Blueberry shack next week with my mother in law. I have a goal of 10 pounds so hopefully going without children means more focused picking. I made some muffins with 2 cups of berries from the other day. So yummy I ate 6 of them in 24 hours! Mine are made with yogurt, oatmeal, flax, & cinnamon added or altered to a recipe from the William Sonoma Blueberry muffin recipe in their Muffin book.
Changing subjects once again, but how do you know if a doe has been mated? I have had Cleo & buddy together now for a month at night due to pricey fencing problems but being I am not a pro on this, I can not even tell if what I think is a heat cycle is one. She gave off all the signs but refused to let Buddy become her "friend" while in my presence. So I do not know if in the nights together they have mated or not. They are both new to it all. He is very nice & sweet to her. Never rough play or anything. I would say the goats actually love & care for each other by their affectionate rubbing and cuddling. Buddy has become so calm towards me its like a whole new goat! No more jumping or trying to rear up on me. Well, I am rambling here and I need to trim some sunflower heads for winter chicken snacks. It looks to be a more weather enjoyable day but prefer to get the outside done before lunch.
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