Look what I got today! Muscovy ducklings- 1 week old for $1.50 each at the Mt. Hope Auction house. Had to take Buddy down there today in the truck. Dropped the 2 oldest off at Grams. Once I got there & brought Buddy to the back dropoff, I went to look at the produce & baked goods auction on grounds. I bought 2 loaves of wheat (which are superb!) for $1.25 & kept getting outbid by these old ladies with fly swatters ( who were very intent on outbidding everyone even though they had box's full already) on some yummy (local Amish made) hand size pies. It was like a competition to them on seeing who could go home with the most baked goods- its not like they could eat all of it anyway. I guess they may freeze them, but geez, leave some for us! I also tried for some of the honey (3 various recycled jar sizes) but again The Fly-swatter mob beat me again. I got up close & sidetracked their attention with lil miss Frog & she helped her momma by cooing, smiling, & all those adorable things babies do to attract attention. It gave me enough "inclusion" for the mob not to outbid me. Good girl!
I kept going in the barn to check on Buddy- wanted to make sure he was not getting hurt by another goat and he seemed to have attracted another male goat! It behaved like a doe rubbing his head allover buddy's head and lightly nipping his ears. It even made lil noises to him! I swear it was trying to romance him! He of course let out his familiar momma cry when he saw me which broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I have to say though, he was the best and heartiest looking handsome goat there! 3 Amish men came up to me asking about Buddy. Wanted to know if he was tame, his breed type, his mom's dairy info, etc. After a nice heated bidding on Buddy between 4 men, he turned out to be the highest bid on Buck there. I knew he was going to a good Amish farm to be a stud and hope that they treat him good. I will at least look at it that way.
I also tried to bid on a 3some of jersey wooly white bunnies. All the rabbits were selling so cheap! .25 cents to $3. Of course this one man was determined as much as me to win the wooly's! It got up to 4.50 a rabbit before I backed down. He quickly came up and askerd if I wanted to buy one since he only needed 2. Of course! So I gave him $5 ( had no change) and hoped it would help soothe the loss of Ghandhi. Oh whats that? You would like to see a picture? ummm.. yeah. About that...It seams Lil' Man thought the bunny wanted to go

outside... He LET IT OUT after being here

2 hours. I cant find it anywhere and just hope it shows up real soon alive & well. But here are 2 more of the ducklings and hopefully I will have the bunny back to share here soon. I am running a temp, cold chills, hot flashes, and body aches that advil only helps a little. So I am going to try to get some restful sleep tonight- unlike the last 2....
**P.S self note** Cleo had mucous discharge on tail 8/17/06.
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