Look who was found in Panda's room by "dawg" our lil' white smooshed dog? He kept coming back & forth all excited & whining like he does when he wants in with the other rabbits. (ghandhi use to play with dawg since the only thing dog would do is try to smell their butts. He loves our animals and sits out side next to the rabbit cage and they sit next to him. defiantly an odd site). So This little Angora has been named Casperilla . Not because she is white but because she w

as like a ghost when lost. She was there but you could not see her. We looked in her room 3 times inside, around, under, you name it and never saw her. She was never anywhere else due to a baby gate being up.
Panda found 2 of these caterpillars and they have both gone into their cocoons so this picture is a day old.
Garden looks great but seems behind everyone else. I harvested my first bunch of black cherry tomatoes, 2 patty pan scalloped squash and a sosnovsky russian squash for dinner last night.( if any of you would like for me to save seeds for you, tell me now as I harvest so I set them aside and put your name on it. I also have been saving calendula from a public herb garden since I have been dead heading. They do not bother harvesting seeds but have given me permission to do so). I made a stuffing with the inside of them, wild rice w/ seasoning, quartered pieces of Black cherry tomato, and a sprinkling of sage pork sausage on top for hubby's carn

ivorism. It was the best food I have had for dinner in a long time! Now thats my kind of food. My sunflowers are huge. I have to break out the ladder just to harvest the heads from the sunflower house! We have 1 in my garden bed that is as wide as a dinner plate. Lots of people compliment me on them and my animals. Tell me how they enjoy them. Why do they not just take the plunge and raise some of their own? In the first part of the summer I watered the sunflowers nightly for a few weeks. After that I had watered maybe 4 times. They need no attention to get that large. The animals take a half hour to care for in the morn (all of mine anyway) and then in they evening. I check on their water mid day just because of the heat and during the winter I replace it with hot water every few hours when it dips below 35F. Not that hard and the benefits are wonderful.
I wonder if i can grow sweet potatoes in Ohio? What do I do to prepare soil for potatoes? We have moles here so root crops like carrots have not been

grown. The soil has alot of clay since the middle owner of the house (we are the 3rd owner) had soil brought in to make up our nice shaped hill without a concern to its quality! He botched alot of things in this place but what I do not like is digging through rocky clay soil and having to add bags of soil and my compost to a garden only to have the rain and seasons make my efforts a waste.Not to mention the price of buying DIRT! I have stabilized some spots after 5 years of effort through trial and error but would like to grow potatoes (red, yukons , & sweet). I do not have a tiller. I have a backyard-neighbor who tills for me each year and I give him a deep tissue massage in trade. I do not know if he will do it again for a potato bed since he had 2 new spots this year, that turned out to have thick tree roots and rocks all over. That tiller was jumping like a frog all over the place. He was so sweaty and not very happy looking by just half through the first... I will have to tempt him with a few baked sweets and if those darn hens start laying (they are 5 months now) I may have eggs to add in the basket.
Making anaviary style chicken run today. They keep getting on my deck which is covered in chickens who have no manners & poop attracting flies each morning. I have done the squirt bottle and hose but it only works if I see them. This way they are kept in an area until I release them for the day instead of meeting me at the back door waiting for their morning feed. It will also give a frame to lay a tarp on top of for the winter. They will have a snow & draft free run to romp in. Now I need to figure out what to do with these ducklings....
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