A lady we know was trying to relocate this saanen since she was picking on another goat there. The lady said the sores are from the other goat biting her because she kept picking on her. She needs a bath, a good brushing, not to mention a hoof trim. So it's spa day for the Lady! She came with the name Chia but I cannot be happy calling her that. I keep getting that song for the chia pet in my head each time i try to think or say it. ch-ch-ch-chia! So any suggestions? I am looking for some dignified names since I seem to be naming the new additions with historical figures. Cleopatra then Shakespeare

the new bunny buck. There he is behind the white chubby Ghandhi. (he is black and white)-Yes, she is my free ranger. She keeps coming back after her escapes so I am not very worried as I was in the first few months of it. She free ranges with the chickens in the yard and romps in the goat pen along with the Turken Harem. Shakespeare was a bunny from freecycle. A woman found him on the side of the highway in a dented cage. He is so lovable and even comes when I call him. This is Ghandi's first encounter with him. Very cute too. She went right up to the cage, touching noses then laid down next to him. He is living with daisy for now. They have a fencing floor but get to romp on real ground where the fence lays to prevent tunneling- plus have a 5x4x4 "house". Their run gets cleaned up each weekend (sometimes 2x a wk depending on my time) but they mostly stay inside during the day except him. He comes bopping out if he hears our voices. The run/house will be moved in a month. I do a rotation of ground so they are not in the same spot for more then 6 weeks.
The Saanen goat seems to be o.k around the others. I did a slow intro walking her around on a leash to meet the others. Cleo kept trying to butt her and made lil grunts when she would get close before putting her head on her. Buddy seemed disinterested which seemed real odd. He has been the most disgusting beast I have ever come across. I never knew this was what they were refering to as Buck Behavior. I, apparently, am a hottie goat which means throw in the food and run fast! Getting peed on, nipped at, and some wierd noises was not very entertaining. I am giving him away to a good home soon so I may have to get Cleo a visit to some goat boyfriend later on. Buddy will not stop trying to mount her when she gets in his "range" and she just runs away kicking her feet up like haha you are on a line and you can't catch me! Such a teaser! & of course then he tries his stuff towards me which very much freaked me out the first time and then just made me mad. Then he tried that to Bill which he remarked he thought at first he had a bug that bit him on his leg because it burned but it turned out Buddy peed on him! UGH! so gross. I will not own an intact buck again unless I have alot of land that I do not have to see him do his thing all the time when I am out. I will spare you the rest of the details on what he does, but lets just say the neighborhood kids have been seen running to their house screaming/yelling....
................The Turken Harem........
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