This is not finished yet! The neck will scoop more, a sash belt needs to be made/added, an oak leaf "greenman" style mask has yet to be made, of course the dress and cape themselves have not been finished in the sewing of seams , hems, grommets to the back for lacing & the dress sides are to have ties added.
Not hemmed or edged yet, but you can see the base of it all. I hope to purchase faux fur or a warm fleece for the inside of the hood & cloak.

I had to free hand cut/design the entire costume. I was looking for Lord of the rings meets Mother Earth for the theme here. This is just the dress and cape part- no leaf mask or any other accessory she will have later on. I have it cut and pinned which means a long night ahead for sewing it up. I had to do it in stages since she is at school all day.
So there you have it folks. The project at hand that has taken up any spare time this past week. I am thinking of a black feather fan which I will add her peacock feathers to, from Mr. Whites place.
Maybe add a leather pouch to hang from her sash belt- I just wish she could play the lap harp I bought her last winter to carry along and play a tune for her grandparents on treat night- not for the actual going to get treats- but for her grandparents just before.. Some people offer hot cider or a cold beer for the parents while the kids get their treats in the neighborhood. She wants to learn guitar- which I have one but no one here knows how to play-yet. I thought the lap harp would be easier to start with since it has the underlying music cards for her to learn the strings and motivate her more if she is making "music".
Ach! I best be off and try to get the barnyard settled for the night.
Sweet dreams...
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