An urn filled with old wooden kitchen items may go unnoticed by some,but is what I have created my entire kitchen mood around.
These were given to me by my in-laws. They belonged to my husbands grandmother and may have even belonged her Mum. My husband's grandmother passed when i was 6 months along with Panda. A very sweet and loving true English Lady. Panda & Zoe have a complete tea set that belonged to their great great grandmother who came here from England on a ship with her children. I love to hear about my husband's family. They were some wonderful, interesting people. His dad grew up in a Funeral home which his dad & mom owned/ran and my husband's grandfather (who owned the funeral home that they lived above) was also the Mayor of the small town. The funeral home is now a well preserved, prosperous & delicious Itialian restaurant. We go down often to eat there with the family & love hearing his dad talk about his childhood growing up in the house.
The meat pounders are not used by me- the rolling pin I let the kids use when we bake. I want for them to socialize childhood memories using these items so they too will cherish them instead of casting out to a yard sale table. The ice cream scooper is printed with a date for the patent back in 1927 I believe... I use it when we break out the ice cream maker so its use is minimal but memorable. I love these items and think of the women before me who loved their families and must have loved these kitchen tools since they kept them despite modern convience's and advance's. I realy do not have much in the relative department but am happy to have history I can still pass on to our children from his.
An Inheritance that may seem small and worthless to some kitchen people, but this Farmchick feels she hit the jackpot!
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