We have 3 chicks so far. All are at least half turken. But which is half silkie roo or half Americauna hen or even full turken- leaves me guessing. Time will tell on all. I let her keep the 3 till no longer wet, but had to put them in the brooder so she would continue to sit on the other 16 of her eggs and 2 or 3 more chicken eggs. The chicken eggs should finish hatching within the next day or two. They too will be placed in the brooder as soon as they are dry. This is very exciting for us. We have never had our own chicken's eggs hatched out.
When our much missed white silkie (named Strawberry) went broody a few years back, I had to buy a clutch of mixed eggs from a local. She sat on an empty nest and we had no roosters at the time. Every one of those chicks were pecked off by predators. She passed away that winter- why?- we have no idea. She was only 1 year old. There is a picture mixed into the flickr badge of Lil' Man holding Strawberry if you would like to sort through them. Or click *HERE*. That was his favorite- and the only one he could catch at the time.
So here is a peek at the chicks for now:

Until next time....
Sweet dreams,
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