Fidels "lady friends" have arrived and they seem to be very happy to be together again. They never leave each others side. They are not just eye candy here- they have kept those pesky neighborhood cats walking the outlines and not cutting through our property. Plus, I love to hear them hiss and honk at the neighbors.... They have great potential.
On our many recent trips to the hatchery, we pass an old home that speaks to my heart. I do not know why or what makes my heart fill with joy and happiness, each time we round the bend and it appears. I have never been able to explain to The Captain why exactly I love some homes but others I feel nothing. They could be similar in looks, but the ones I love, are the ones that give a special feeling in my chest and puts a smile to my face. This house is one of them.

Large and spacious but not overpowering big. I like the side view of the home above more then the front. The side is what i see when we go around the bend and that is when the feeling hits.
So now I am determined to start photographing the homes that give me that feeling. That way, I can sit down-look them over and determine what I see in them, & what I desire for our home.
Oh, and how could I go without sharing with you our first broken bone. A clean, straight break in her radius & ulnar- just above the wrist. A fall from the deck with a vintage metal chair pulled atop her upper body. From which she was running and playing like nothing happened 5 minutes later! Amazing...

First vegetable harvest of the year and its on Summer Solstice! (I do not count the lettuce or herbs).

Tonight was to be the night of Dandelion wine tasting. The bottle was saved for this very occasion. To celebrate the solstice and hopefully I will do so without passing out from a very long last few days...
Sweetest dreams,
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