*link update* it appears Fidel's breed is on the critical list over at the preservation site( ALBC).
Click the link & check it out*
Monday, we made ANOTHER trip to the hatchery for our broiler chicks. As I was standing in line, I overheard a woman discussing with the cash out lady,she was just going to give away her select tufted Roman geese. She had posted a sign in the Hatchery store back in May, but not a single call was made about them. They are 6-7 years old and will live anywhere from 12- 20 years.
Fight the temptation... fight it..... argh!! I just cant do it!
I inquired from the clerk if she was giving away her geese and it was confirmed. They informed me this is where they got their breeding stock for the hatchery. Her geese are from(and descend from) a big main breeder in California.
They kindly called her to get directions for me and 10 minutes later we herding geese up. It went so quickly and soon I had a mating pair sitting in the back of my trusty Vue. Not to make this into a sad or long story, but the heat hit 98 degrees and the female succumbed to heat exhaustion. They were already pretty hot when I got there which made it hard to keep them cool despite the A/C.
I called the Lady and explained what happened-I will be picking up another female later this week for poor Fidel. ( yes, lots of tears were spilled over the unfortunate event.)
But here is our new Tufted Roman goose male, Fidel

The pictured had to be lightened so his beautiful blue eyes could be seen. I had a hard time capturing him in the shot. The above took 8. And below took 4 shots.
He is not aggressive with humans but seems to still be finding his spot amongst the Backyard Barnyard. No fighting, just a lot of hissing. I wish I could capture Lady Chia's face the first time she came upon him. The confusion was hilarious.
Bonnie is still sitting on her eggs. All 16 muscovy ( a few look to be about to burst with a duckling soon) and 5 chicken eggs. 1 of Dr.Seuss's eggs apparently hatched 2 days ago, but that carnivore loving Mrs. Turken, got a hold of it. I do not know how, just that the kids found her pecking at a newly hatched chick in the pen yard. The others do not go near Bonnie. Mrs. Turken is a bit- well a lot- Ditzy , with a appetite for all food but meat seems to be her big love. Just thank The Captain for that one. he has been feeding her and the Mr. Turken lots of leftover meats, including can tuna. He finds it entertaining and after all, the 2 of them really are "his" chickens.
I'm off to check the eggs for any sign of hatching & feed the masses before the rain pours.
Sweetest dreams,
Click the link & check it out*
Monday, we made ANOTHER trip to the hatchery for our broiler chicks. As I was standing in line, I overheard a woman discussing with the cash out lady,she was just going to give away her select tufted Roman geese. She had posted a sign in the Hatchery store back in May, but not a single call was made about them. They are 6-7 years old and will live anywhere from 12- 20 years.
Fight the temptation... fight it..... argh!! I just cant do it!
I inquired from the clerk if she was giving away her geese and it was confirmed. They informed me this is where they got their breeding stock for the hatchery. Her geese are from(and descend from) a big main breeder in California.
They kindly called her to get directions for me and 10 minutes later we herding geese up. It went so quickly and soon I had a mating pair sitting in the back of my trusty Vue. Not to make this into a sad or long story, but the heat hit 98 degrees and the female succumbed to heat exhaustion. They were already pretty hot when I got there which made it hard to keep them cool despite the A/C.
I called the Lady and explained what happened-I will be picking up another female later this week for poor Fidel. ( yes, lots of tears were spilled over the unfortunate event.)
But here is our new Tufted Roman goose male, Fidel

The pictured had to be lightened so his beautiful blue eyes could be seen. I had a hard time capturing him in the shot. The above took 8. And below took 4 shots.

Bonnie is still sitting on her eggs. All 16 muscovy ( a few look to be about to burst with a duckling soon) and 5 chicken eggs. 1 of Dr.Seuss's eggs apparently hatched 2 days ago, but that carnivore loving Mrs. Turken, got a hold of it. I do not know how, just that the kids found her pecking at a newly hatched chick in the pen yard. The others do not go near Bonnie. Mrs. Turken is a bit- well a lot- Ditzy , with a appetite for all food but meat seems to be her big love. Just thank The Captain for that one. he has been feeding her and the Mr. Turken lots of leftover meats, including can tuna. He finds it entertaining and after all, the 2 of them really are "his" chickens.
I'm off to check the eggs for any sign of hatching & feed the masses before the rain pours.
Sweetest dreams,
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