Meet Willow. The Captains new 5 week old puppy. A pug mommy with a toy fox terrier daddy. Willow has a bit of the pug nose and loose skin. Hopefully more of the pug features will show as she grows.

And the 1 day old white silkie chicks. Custard & Magic.

There is a story to go with how Magic got its name. Wanna hear it? Well it goes something like this...
All 3 kids in the backseat are cranky and screaming from a long day of new puppy pick up, junior golf league (9 holes long) and another Meyer hatchery trip-which is close to the puppy pick-up location. The new chicks are in the backseat with Panda- who lets Frog hold one. BIG mistake. After wrestling the poor thing from her death grip, it sat lifeless in The Captains hand. I, the driver, try to perform the cp of cpr on this chick while commanding the road. No results for 2 whole minutes. The Captain started rubbing the sides after 30 more seconds and PEEEEP! My jaw dropped. The chick came back to life! It took a few minutes before it could move more then its head, but it was ALIVE after being completely lifeless- no breathing- no heart beat indicated for a minimum of 3 to 4 minutes. Panda yelled "Daddy's got magic!". Of course The Captain wanted to name the chick jesus- I said no- I dont think so. Say it with an H- not a J & I would consider it. But Lil Man said he wanted it named Magic."
So there ya go. A story about how a chick was born, then died, then lived again all in one day. The captain jokes and said since the chicks peeped alot to each other , the one must be saying "Man, I saw the light! I really did. And there was this voice saying its not your time yet. Dude.... It was trippy". Yep. We think being gone that long may have a long term effect on the brain cells.
On another note, The Captain has a birthday coming up in August. Guess who is throwing him a TOGA party?! Do not think Animal house. Think bonfire, fresh gyros, Greek burgers, lots of grape bunches, snacks and Toga clad adults. (No children permitted of course!!)

Enjoying brew of the gods, company of good friends, and bits of entertainment thrown in. Such as a contest for hairiest back, sexiest legs, best in costume, and most comical garb. I am collecting supplies now to make a Faux chariot for a picture opportunity corner.Plus a canopy tent transformed into a Roman room complete with plush pillows and chairs for lounging away from the fire and enjoying some grapes.
The above picture shows the materials for my garb. Natural muslin (instead of dirt magnet white) with a sheer red, gold Mediterranean style trimming (sari) fabric for a palla garment. The gold/white ribbon is for The Captains tunic which I hope to make from black fabric or dark royal purple. The beads are for my necklace and earrings. I still need to buy notions for a belt, but I will wait till I finish the tunic portion and decide then what style/type of belt to wear.
Can you tell I LOVE costume making? This will be our 4th big costume theme party since buying our home. I do not understand why more adults do not enjoy dressing up. I hear so many say "thats for kids. So immature". If that is what "being grown up" is about, then I am happy to stay "immature". I'll just go to my room now.
Sweet dreams,
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