As you may remember, we made a trip to the Meyer Hatchery a few weeks back. Before the trip, I pre- ordered what was to be picked up. They messed up and did not process my order due to a mistake the operator made- by not putting in a pick-up day and left it as a "hold". No problem, except they had no black silkies left over. So we went with the buff silkies they had extra of. We did get the Delawares we wanted- suppose to be all hens so we will see. I have already called and informed them of the defective turkey & have a credit worth 2 turkeys. But now it seems they did not give me silkies at all. I got some kind of bantam and one is a frizzle!
Which I like very much, but that does not help my situation in WHY I ordered silkies in the first place. I want my silkies!
It was not to eat them. They are very broody and will hatch out my other chickens eggs. I do not want the bantams and will end up taking them to auction or trading them for something useful on the forums.
I have placed an order for cornish X's with the credit they gave for the turkey's, but was told they will not be available till the 18th. I really hope they will credit us for the chicks they gave us since they gave us not what we ordered and I have no use for them. I would gladly take them back if they would have them, but due to the whole Bio security thing, they cannot accept them back.
What am I going to do with bantam chickens that I do not want if no one on the boards want to trade something for them.
I'm keeping the frizzle. Already named "it" Mrs.Frizzle. After the teacher from the Magic school bus. Rememeber her? She too had red "hair", like the color of the Frizzles feathers. That rare genetic mutation would make for a very interesting offspring mixed with a turken... What a wonderful freaky chicken that would be!
The local Bee man brought out an empty hive to try and catch some wild bees. The Bee scouts have been all over our yard and we hope to attract them into this hive:
Bee man placed lemon grass oil onto a few of the frames inside to help allure them. Apparently it has something similar to the queens smell- correct me if I am wrong. i cant remember exactly what he said.
The man made hive is placed upon the pine tree logs so it sits 6-8 feet high while trying to attract them. So far no action. But hopefully, soon that will change.
Sweet Dreams, ~Tammie

It was not to eat them. They are very broody and will hatch out my other chickens eggs. I do not want the bantams and will end up taking them to auction or trading them for something useful on the forums.
I have placed an order for cornish X's with the credit they gave for the turkey's, but was told they will not be available till the 18th. I really hope they will credit us for the chicks they gave us since they gave us not what we ordered and I have no use for them. I would gladly take them back if they would have them, but due to the whole Bio security thing, they cannot accept them back.
What am I going to do with bantam chickens that I do not want if no one on the boards want to trade something for them.
I'm keeping the frizzle. Already named "it" Mrs.Frizzle. After the teacher from the Magic school bus. Rememeber her? She too had red "hair", like the color of the Frizzles feathers. That rare genetic mutation would make for a very interesting offspring mixed with a turken... What a wonderful freaky chicken that would be!
The local Bee man brought out an empty hive to try and catch some wild bees. The Bee scouts have been all over our yard and we hope to attract them into this hive:

The man made hive is placed upon the pine tree logs so it sits 6-8 feet high while trying to attract them. So far no action. But hopefully, soon that will change.
Sweet Dreams, ~Tammie
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