The goat fest was an enjoyable day with my girls. They had a decent amount and variety of goats to view, decent demos including basic canning and basic soap making. I overheard there was one for cheese making but could not find any info for it. They had a great raffle pavilion with LOTS of great goat related items. I won 2 3.5 lb containers of goat kid milk replacer. There was a windmill on display which showed how it can aerate your pond- kinda cool (& easy) how it works. There was a gentleman who makes wood buggies and the prices- in my eyes- were reasonable. in the slide show there are 2- the bigger one was $1400 and the smaller $1100. There was another gentleman who made the carts for goats to pull and his prices were very reasonable too. his were more like $300-400 for the more simple 2 seaters & unfortunately I took no pictures of them.
Click here for slide show part 1.
Click here for slide show part2.
There was goats milk cheesecake- very very yummy and there were some very delicious Chevon (goat) meat sandwiches. Lots of fun but check out the slideshows to view all the pics.
Panda wants to have her own goat & cart now. Guess I better start researching ...
Sweet dreams, ~Tammie

Click here for slide show part 1.
Click here for slide show part2.
There was goats milk cheesecake- very very yummy and there were some very delicious Chevon (goat) meat sandwiches. Lots of fun but check out the slideshows to view all the pics.
Panda wants to have her own goat & cart now. Guess I better start researching ...
Sweet dreams, ~Tammie

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