I have had a bit of bad luck on the whole goat breeding experience. Last year we had 2 does which neither were successfully bred. So I sold Cleo (keeping Lady Chia) and this last spring brought dehlilah home in the hopes of another try. Lets just say a farm friend was visiting and noticed something a bit different about her & did an exam. Lets just leave it at she has been sold to a lady who wanted her for just a pet and not breeding.
After searching on various local goat forums, I found a goat in milk as a first freshner at an agreeable price and just 3 years of age. Her first kidding was with triplets. Here is glimpse:
This weekend I will be making the trip South to look her over and possibly bring her home.
The Captain & I had always hoped for kids from Buddy and after seeing the potential Doe's pic above, I made a call. The call was to the auction house we sold Buddy at and am now waiting for a return call with the buyers information. If you read over the post about his auction day, you will then know it is an Amish young guy who bought him and Buddy was his new buck to start up his own herd. My immediate thoughts were -what if he no longer has him? What if he sold him to someone else & I just end up with a big chase? But it is a chase well worth the chance of pairing him up this Bonita. I strongly feel any female kids would be a great herd starter for our Forever home. I only wish you could have heard the admiration they had once seeing Buddy. I always thought of him as a handsome and a well formed buck but I was his momma. All mommies think their kids are perfect. I say this laughing of course. His form & milking line added with this doe would hopefully make treasured kids.
On another note, the gardens are doing very well despite the dry weather. We have squash plants still pumping out their fruits, 6 watermelons about tomato size, 12 sugar pie pumpkins the size of grapefruits or larger, tomatoes bursting all over the place and a lettuce bed that needs reseeding- like last week. There is more but i will not continue to bore you of the subject. I am sure everyone is blogging about their gardens and the abundance so far.
Tommorow is green bean picking at the local U-pick. I think we will go with yellow wax beans and see if they have the smaller green beans available.
~Sweet dreams,
After searching on various local goat forums, I found a goat in milk as a first freshner at an agreeable price and just 3 years of age. Her first kidding was with triplets. Here is glimpse:

The Captain & I had always hoped for kids from Buddy and after seeing the potential Doe's pic above, I made a call. The call was to the auction house we sold Buddy at and am now waiting for a return call with the buyers information. If you read over the post about his auction day, you will then know it is an Amish young guy who bought him and Buddy was his new buck to start up his own herd. My immediate thoughts were -what if he no longer has him? What if he sold him to someone else & I just end up with a big chase? But it is a chase well worth the chance of pairing him up this Bonita. I strongly feel any female kids would be a great herd starter for our Forever home. I only wish you could have heard the admiration they had once seeing Buddy. I always thought of him as a handsome and a well formed buck but I was his momma. All mommies think their kids are perfect. I say this laughing of course. His form & milking line added with this doe would hopefully make treasured kids.
On another note, the gardens are doing very well despite the dry weather. We have squash plants still pumping out their fruits, 6 watermelons about tomato size, 12 sugar pie pumpkins the size of grapefruits or larger, tomatoes bursting all over the place and a lettuce bed that needs reseeding- like last week. There is more but i will not continue to bore you of the subject. I am sure everyone is blogging about their gardens and the abundance so far.
Tommorow is green bean picking at the local U-pick. I think we will go with yellow wax beans and see if they have the smaller green beans available.
~Sweet dreams,
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