

Monday, November 26, 2007

Plans in making this place a homestead...

Plans are in the works for our property and it's Homestead makeover. Since we have determined this will be home for the next couple of years, I will no longer hold out on my heart's desire. If I had known 5 years ago we would still be here, I would have fruit tree's producing by now. So no more waiting. May the work begin!
I have checked out Mary Jane's life book, cook book, idea book once again. I have it on my wish list of books i would like to own and hope to acquire it soon. But in the mean time, borrowing the library edition will suffice. In this book she has listed a nursery who sells old fashioned fruit saplings. This is the Burnt ridge nursery and the prices are very agreeable. The shipping is inexpensive, too.They come as 5 foot trees and will produce in just 1-2 years if not immediately. I desire a few "Italian" plum trees and a few "Reliance" peach trees. I would like to add more grape vines to our hill such as the ones I already have. Remember the ones from the generous freecycler?
We plan to build a wood "pergola/arbor" on the house front, where we will grow some Cascade hops .Grown mostly for the collecting of hops, but also to hide the brick facing on the house which is cracking in some spots. Nugget and Crystal will also be bought and placed elsewhere for Obstructing neighbor views from the road.
Now I do desire a proper "Hen house" for our batch of laying hens to be ordered in January. (plans are still being drawn up and materials priced). So far, Panda and I have our eyes on some Barred Rock's and Americauna's. I would like to add 2 polish hens to our barnyard just for the unusual look of them. I would like to put our ladies atop the hill surrounding the garden. Kinda like a U shapedmoat which opens on one end into a small pen with their coop. Of course a gate for me to get in the garden will be worked into it.
We are purchasing 16 ft. long cattle panels for Chia's enclosure and will do the same for our hens exercise yard area. Chia will have the goat cabin to share with Bonnie and Clyde- our Muscovy pair. The remaining offspring will be going to the auction house along with all the turkens and that white silkie. I discovered it was he that is crowing with the others. Glad to find it was not our treasured Frizzle Cochin..
The Muscovy meat amount and taste is not worth the price of butchering. I have made 4 various dishes from brine soaked roasted duck to Duck noodle soup. Each one leaves me not happy with the taste. I love chicken and it is less cost to raise and process. So that is where we will continue for our backyard meat raising. I am going to see if I can do a "milk share" with a farmer on a cow, nearby. Not sure how to work that one out, but the brainstorm will soon show itself. Our Farmer Friend has been raising a few pigs (they do not eat pork) due to the excess milk and crop waste they have. Speaking with his son, we hope to have it before January. We pay him his price for the pig and he drives it to our local livestock (no poultry) butcher. Then we pay the butcher their fee for doing the work. Then we have an all natural organic pig to fill the freezer and helped support a local farmer. Out of all the main meats, I love pork and chicken....
The animal pen has been moved closer to our home side and all animals combined for the winter. Looks rather shabby (not much of an improvement really..LOL) but the Spring time plans & cattle panels will improve the over all neatness of appearance.(I still have the Bonfire bench to bring indoors along with the other seating seen in the picture). The orange and purple disc's (inexpensive children sleds) are used in winter for Chicken/Duck waterer's. They are wide yet shallow. The frozen water slides right out when tipped and being built for cold play, they never crack. We refill with warm water 2-3 times a day depending on temperatures.This will be their 3rd winter of use. They are also great for carrying the food from the house when we stored the hay in the garage.
We are in the hopes to acquire more willow branches in the Spring.I wish to line the side property with them to obstruct more neighbor views of our property. Having the property run along the road leaves us with very little privacy. I will do the asking around to see if anyone is pruning or mind if I saw 4~ 3"thick diameter & 6 feet long branches. Push into the ground during Spring and they take root.
So those are all the big plans as of now. I have not even begun the bigger garden plans and seed charting. Tractor boy will have more work come Spring. I want to expand the garden 5 more feet towards that other neighbor and add in a small mustard seed crop. I want to try my hand at home grown and made mustard. I am working on my organizational skills and hope to stay focused on the plans. I am still working on my May herb and Craft fair items, but it is slow getting all of my sewing done for the holidays and trying to finish everything else. I still have plenty time, but more personal time & organization is desired.
Promises to be a real adventure around here soon.
The planning is such great fun, but the work will bring the true happiness.
Sweet dreams,


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