

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Giving the gift of seed saver gardens & another statue....

I have an abundance of food gardening seed that if not used this year would have gone in the compost pile. Then I had one of those strange dreams. You know the type. They never make sense and you wonder what you ate the night before to set that series off....
I was in our hilltop garden, surrounded by tomato plants. At first all was well. I could feel the sun warming my back (most likely Frog snuggling up or grizzle nuzzled into my neck- hey we are co sleepers after all..). I could hear birds singing and dogs barking-( most likely the yappy neighbors dog at 4 am). Suddenly I noticed my tomatoes had cracks in them and the seeds were spilling out onto the ground. I grabbed a mason jar ( no idea where it came from) and tried to catch as much as I could. I kept thinking of how all that seed was being wasted and how many plants could come from them.
The dream went crazy from there and spiraled into a whole new "trip". But the seed catching stayed with me when I woke up. As I sat on the front porch sipping my first coffee of the morning, I thought of all the seed I already have in my seed saver box. How if I were to plant every single extra seed I had in that box how it could possibly feed 8 families. So instead of letting that seed continue to sit in the box and do nothing, I listed my seed on the local freecycle. I specified what and how many . Voicing I would prefer to spread as much of the seed as possible around, so only ask what you will grow and use.I had a nice variety of seed to offer- all heirloom or open pollinated. Which comes with my strong- "be sure to save seed for next year!"
Instead of a compost pile, these seeds will grow to their full potential, Providing 7 families with real food, created by the care of their hands.
On the subject of creating with ones hands...I made my second statue! I like this one so much better but it is promised to my cousin "Tuesday". She requested one with her legs crossed. So this is what I came up with:
I best be careful... This is becoming addictive. I wonder if they will be o.k not going in a kiln. I guess I could try to locate someone who would share a little space of one firing...
1 week till Chia comes home!! 1 week and 2 days till the chicks arrive! 1 month and 3 weeks till the tree order arrives! 26 days until Spring begins !
Spring dreams,


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