

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My seed saver Urban garden kit....

Project Seed Domino"
"Neighborly help and friendly advice."
the motto of Homesteading Today....
I have been inspired by so many requests for my seeds on freecycle, that I have come up with a new project. And a new challenge for those of you who have seed saving worthy gardens- or will will have one this gardening year. I will be saving extra seed from our garden to make up "urban garden kits". Enough of each variety to supply a garden of 10X10 size. With the seeds, I will make up a blue print suggestion of how the garden should be laid out with companion panting as a guide along with proper location due to tall plants and sun direction. I will include tips for organic methods of pest control, crop rotation, how to start and tend to a compost pile and resourceful websites for any trouble shooting. There will also be a how to on saving seed from each variety of plant grown with a firm save and share message.
What is my reason for such madness? Think of the domino effect this would have in a community. If I provide at least 10 families with an urban garden kit under the promise they are to duplicate what I have given them and each share with 5 other families who must promise to do the same...Think of all those gardens! Think of all those families eating home grown produce! All the new appreciation and understanding that goes into the work of food.
So now I CHALLENGE all of you readers to participate in doing the same. Later in the year I will share copies of my kit directions, promise pledge, blueprints, and what seeds I am including in my kits. For now, all you have to do is make a firm mental note to SAVE extra seed from all the heirloom/open pollinated garden plants you have and put enough aside for an urban 10X10 garden. Look on some seed saving websites and make some trades to get a good variety. Make some orders to the seed catalogs like Bakers creek heirloom, Fedco, Bountiful gardens, or Victory seeds. It's not much work when you already save seed for yourself. Now think of your domino effect. It really is amazing to think about the goodness from such a small amount work.
You are not only spreading the wonderful word of seed saving, you may be giving a gift to a family (if not directly, maybe down the line) that needs the food and no idea where to begin.
So who is up to the challenge? Do not be shy, Leave a comment and let us know you would like to participate or at least try to.
I will be contacting my local freecycle moderator about what I plan and ask his cooperation to allow my giving these kits- which come with a promise stated above, and hopefully they will not object. After all, I'm not the seed police who will be checking in on these people. Just asking for a simple promise to be a part in the gardening domino effect.
Sweet Dreams,

Baby brother "Army" and Panda sledding December 2006


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