

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Look what we found in the garden!

Yesterday afternoon, We were up in the garden planting more garlic. Panda found a toad in one of the gate's post holes. She relocated the toad to the sod roof toad house. Then went searching in the other holes. In the other gate post hole, she found this:Panda quickly brought out her book "all about frogs" by Jim Arnosky.
She discovered this is a tree frog, which turns this color for the winter, to camouflage itself.
Makes me wonder if this is the green tree frog we found in the Squash leaves.
Panda read in her book that if their ear circles are smaller then their eyes, then it is female. So you are looking at a female tree frog. Of course the pictures were drawings, so this is what we matched it up best to.
And if your feeling a bit "froggy", heres a silent quick video of her moving around. Shows the discoloration of the skin, where the legs and arms have stayed close to her body.Nothing professional or big deal. Just neat to look at.

We have 4 of the 6 hops in the ground. About 30 or more garlic cloves planted. 3 more full bulbs that need separated and planted.
The first week in May will be Fence time. All posts will be put in and the fence finally in it's permanent home.
We are putting in a platform step system for the children to climb up into the bottom arch of their Magic tree.(having the garden fenced in with their play area is becoming a big "I can't wait" excitement.) On the other side will be an 8 foot long slide. Nothing will be affixed to the tree itself. Just a place they can climb up, then get over her branch to get to the slide. That's the plan, but we all know how plans work around here. Always changing.
I added 2 more concord grapes to the fruit tree order. It appears none of the grapes from last year survived.
I have more italian rustic loaf starter on the stove and am having Tuesday over for a visit today. I think I may invite her up to the garden for a garlic planting party!
Sweet Dreams,


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