Hi TT&Jers, I am Taylor from Taylor Made. I'm so excited to be here today because I adore Tatertots and Jello; it was one of my very first blogs to read and inspired me to start my own blog.
In honor of Jen's fabulous London trip, I thought I would share my tutorial on how to make your very own Union Jack Stationery. Maybe this will help with our trip envy?
Taylor Made is about all of my favorite things... crafts, art, food, home and family. I went to college for costume design, became a flight attendant, then an elementary school teacher, now I have my favorite job of all - Mommy. I have a bad obsession with hoarding fabric, Mod Podge and Reality TV. I will use anything and everything for inspiration for a project so without further adieu... lets get this Weekend Wrap-Up Party started y'all (couldn't help it, I'm from Texas)!
I don't know about you but I cant make it out of any craft store without spending $30. But, there is something to be said about making something beautiful and not spending a ton of money.
These features can all be made for less than $10 and I love that!
10 Minute Pillow Case by Rae Gun Ramblings
See you all tomorrow for some more fabulous projects!
Specializing in paper embellishments -- perfect for all sorts of projects.
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