

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hitting a wall

Playing around with my esty store name "Buy the farm" has brought me to a halt on the net. That name is actually copyrighted by the farmers almanac. OOPS! So now I am brainstorming on what I should do. Good thing I have not run off cards with that name. So now I am wondering if i should go with "The Unusual Farmchick" as my name for craft shows/selling. I worry it may infringe on "The Farm Chicks". There are some similarity in items such as Aprons and shoulder bags- well, they sell totes. I do sew with some vintage materials where I do think their fabrics are new but their pendants are vintage wall paper. I can not help but wonder if this is setting myself up for a big wall hit in the future with the names. Anyone know about this kinda thing? I love the name I have held for 2 years as the unusually unusual farmchick, but it's a bit long for business. The Unusual Farmchick sounds better to my ears and looks best to my eyes. I have farmchick as one word instead of two which adds to the unusualness in my opinion. After all, I am not the usual farm chick that most think of.
Hmmm.... I could really use some advice other then "contact a lawyer" who will charge a fee. Where do i look for the right information without getting anymore confused on the whole copyrighting names? The Captain said in his business class (in college) they said the cheap way to copyright a name is to mail yourself the information and such in a sealed envelope. That way it has the stamped date and name on the front and keep it sealed for any future "event". That is what the professor said- not sure how accurate his advice is though.
I wanted to share this picture of an old potting shed from a home for sale not too far from here. I love the weather vane and if possible, hope to negotiate the owners for it's purchase:
The home is next to a bar/restaurant and they hope to sell it for something like a lawyers office. Which to me means they will not be keeping the grapevines and arbor and could careless about the potting sheds ornament out back. Although the bar next to it has shown interest to knock it all down and put Bocci courts in... So we will see what comes of it after the winter.
Future dreams,


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