

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Winding down the 'stead...

I am still pondering the name deal and appreciate the suggestions I have received. They have really had my brain pondering what is best. I am hoping to have enough items accomplished to do a craft show in late November/early December. On the 12th is my hand surgery so I have to do the bumble bee and get what I can done now. At least the ducks will be processed and I have less animals to care for during the winter. I am so excited to have Muscovy for dinner at least one time this week. I found a duck recipe in one of my old Victoria magazines- October 1996 to be exact. The Captain is not fond of fruity meat dishes so this one will be the tester of our Muscovy meat. It is Roasted duck breast with Spaetzle and fall vegetables. If it turns out to be worthy, I will share the recipe and a photo later on.
I have been so busy with the children lately, I have not gone more then 10 minutes with out a child at my side- even in sleep. I have had no time to clearly think and Saturday afternoon I took my moment. The Captain was finishing up the laundry for me and I drove off to the Reservoir. I walked a quiet trail for an hour and then found a splendid dock area with all these little fisherman boats. The trees were in their colorful fall splendor and I just sat on the shore, staring out across the water.
It was pure ecstasy. No people around except the few small boats floating on the water.
While there I did find a downed branch and sawed it into portions fitting the truck bed. Yes- sawed.... What? You dont carry a saw every where with you? I guess the cloth bag, blanket, boots, & bottled water in the back plus deodorant and toothbrush/paste in the glove compartment is not normal either Ay? Well it's about time you realize- I am not Normal...
So the wood pieces are being cut into portions for the seed saver "jars" and the other fat trunk is being cut into legs for a smaller bench- with a quilted top cushion. Gotta get it all pounded together and glued TODAY!After all, my hammer hand is the right and it may be awhile before I get to pound again.
We are putting a wood burner in the basement this month. After the whole insulation factor was discovered, we thought it best to take what we would spend for a month of gas into the purchase of a burner. You may be thinking "Tammie, thats not enough to buy a decent size burner.". Ummm wrong. You see, i have been leaving out the fact that last winter we had gas bills anywhere from $500- $800 US dollars A MONTH! That is insane! The home is only 1179 square feet LIVING space. The home is coming off the market since it is at a terrible low which means we would not get at least the minimum of what we need for it. So I can share that bit with you now.
I have been a little sad lately which is another reason I have not been posting. I am missing someone that I have loved and lost long ago. Fall always brings the sentimental side of me out. So please bear with me and soon i will be back to my usual self.
May the heat of the day bring long walks amongst the crunch of fallen leaves, and the chilly nights find you on the front porch, wrapped in a blanket with the one you love.
Sweet dreams,


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