

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Easy homemade Graham cracker recipe & turkey brine

I experimented with a graham cracker recipe out of Mary Jane Butter's book with success. I substituted 3 items in it for what I had on hand which made it even better in our opinion. I used Whole wheat Graham flour from Hodgson mills instead of plain wheat,Vanilla in place of coconut extract and plain cow milk for the coconut milk. Next batch I will need to add cinnamon to the mix . You could tell it was missing. But this by far tastes better then any store bought graham!
The recipe is so simple that Panda can do it all by herself with me chatting away as she mixes it all up. (Snowflake cookie cutter looking like stars)
A round of Yuppy S'mores were had along with a tall cold glass of milk for the big taste test.
(** yuppy smores is when you use the electric burner range -on high- instead of an open flame such as a fireplace or bonfire. A fondue skewer is used to hold the marshmallow over the burner and slowly rotating to prevent scorching or flame burst. I came up with that name while teaching at the after school programs in the YMCA. I would hold a cocoa day for the kids during winter and once a month we would make S'mores over the range. I was asked by a fellow young counselor what I was making and being the smart mouth I can be, replied "Yuppy S'mores".
She was an aspiring yuppy..... And so the name has stuck.**)
I have the turkey in the brine, the Muscovy brine is boiling as I write this and the sugar cookie dough is about to come out for pumpkin shaped name card cookies. We will be spending our holiday as always, visiting my In laws. We eat at my Sister in law/brother in law's home- and I bring the turkey every year. This year they will be treated with a new taste. Home grown fresh Muscovy. I hope I do not mess this up. I do not want their first taste of it to be undesirable. I would like for it to be an experience, especially since most of them have never had duck of any kind and others did not like the duck they have had before.
So here is to a wonderful day full of Thanks, Love, and new experiences **cheers**.
Sweet dreams,


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