

Saturday, November 17, 2007

surgery canceled, sewing a storm, & what are these?!

As many of you have read, my hand surgery was scheduled for this last Monday. At the last minute I had to cancel due to people we were relying on to pick up the children from school for a few days, had other plans and did not bother to tell us. Actually, they mentioned it to the children who told me 2 days before the surgery. They knew a month in advance of the surgery and since they normally have the older 2 on one of the days, I had no reason to think it would be a problem.
So at 6:30 in the morning on cut day. I had to call and make the cancellations. No one was happy about it, but I had no alternative. How was i suppose to drive to pick up the kids if I have to shift gears with my right hand? The cut starts in the upper palm/wrist area and goes into the wrist just a bit. Can't shift with my elbow. Besides, the muscles will be sore from being cut the day before.
Anyway, to put my perturbed energy to good use, I have been sewing like crazy. I made a pair of PJ pants for Lil' man and Frog. The fabric for Lil' Man matches the bed comforter I made for him a few months back. I trimmed it in dark blue and khaki. For Frog I used a fun snuggle flannel with "chick chicks" or rather hens and eggs. The trim is a calico remnant I had on hand which gave a nice contrast for leg cuffs and waistband. I have 3 more pairs cut out and on the to do pile next to my machine.
While shopping for fabric, I noticed the simplicity patterns on sale for $1.99 and fell with the temptation into a chair at the book table. I found a fun "design your own" pattern and quickly snatched it from the file cabinets. This is from their Jr. & Jr. plus designs-Simplicity pattern # 3807.I love the finished look with a long sleeve shirt under it. The back is black since I did not have enough fabric to complete this. I LOVED the plaid, which was on clearance for $2 a yard (normally $12.99). Which only 1 yard was left on the bolt. I knew I had some black at home just in case. As you can see, I am not very good at pleating/gathering. I plan to make another of these in a different fabric to go with another of my long sleeve thin shirts.
This was a fun pattern and despite the few "looks like a maternity shirt" comments, I will continue to wear it. Of course many people seem to think since I am thin I should be prancing around half naked. I would rather not-Thank you very much. Just because i am thin does not mean I should dress like Brittney Spears or some other slutty pop star. I dress in what I like and going into public I do not like to wear strappy tanks and daisy dukes. In the garden while its 94 F degrees is one thing, but thats where the line is drawn (and I do not wear daisy dukes- it's more like Khaki cargos).
And these little buggers seem to have taken over the yard and our house!
They are every where! I noticed them close to mid/late Summer.They were all around the Goat Cabin. Now they have migrated into our home and in the corners outside. What are they? They have never been here before or I would have noticed.
Anyone know how to kill these buggers? Gets nasty when you seem them crawling across the kitchen floor. Really gross! I do not understand why in the 6 years we have been here, these have suddenly popped up and taken over. I am fine with the lady bugs. But these are just nasty.
Today we are making homemade graham crackers from the recipe in Mary Jane Butters book. It is the experiment batch to see if others outside our home like them. I plan to give S'mores theme gift baskets for the winter holiday but do not want to give something that would not be enjoyed. These would be for those with a fireplace and children which will include some fresh green sticks for the open fire roasting of marshmallows.
Chia is enjoying all the falling leaves which is nice for us- less raking! So i am off to let her snack 'em up.
Sweet Dreams,


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