

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Goats, chicks, and sprouts plus what will it be?

Saturday i drove down to Roseanna's family farm to pick up our Chi Chi. It took so much longer this time to get there then any other drive before- thank you slow traffic people. I was so upset with the drive even more, once I arrived. Why? Because I missed a kidding of a single doeling by 30 minutes. She was starting to pass the placenta once I walked up in the barn. Darn!
While I was there, I got to see Fernie, who is looking GREAT! She has put some weight on and her winter coat is making her look even plumper. She rubbed her head on my legs the entire time we stood in that barn and chatted about all the kids. If she is bred by the Nubian Buck, she should kid around April 13th. So I guess we will see what happens.
My first look at Chia and I swooned over those Angora curls on her neck. I so badly wanted to nuzzle into her and whisper my ridiculous "missed you's" into her ear. But the perfume of William kept my affections at bay.
She is such a Queen! She strutted to the car and after lifting her up into the back ( she still is heavy), we were off. And I thought the drive down there was long... The weather is very cold but that did not stop me from the occasional sun roof opening. I was getting a headache and was not sure if the snow reflecting the sun or the odor of William permeating from the back pushed my temples into a throb. WOW! Does she stink! It's killing me not to love on her, but even a pet on the head leaves a hint of buck smell on my hands. Once home, Frog threw a fit, banging on the window along with some screaming "CHI CHI", until daddy brought her out to see "HER" Chi Chi.
Sunday had me staying close to the phone all morning.
Our Chicks arrived and we were off to pick them up by 8:30 am. All were alive and well, except one of our polish were looking a little weak. Her beak was obviously pecked at and she seemed a little weak. Her eyes were not opening despite my touching of her head and back. She was quickly scooped up and cradled in my hands until our final destination. By the time we were home, she perked up and had her eyes open. They all quickly took to the food and water, with "Mother Frog" overlooking all their action and peeps. I still can not find the chick waterer, so a tea tin tray is the stand by until one is purchased.
And more exciting news for the weekend is our seeds are sprouting. I was a little afraid to start them with out lights, fearing the seed would rot and be wasted. I was wrong. They sprouted just fine in front of our big east facing window. I am a little worried about the onions, so i put their 2 mil ply plastic back on for some greenhouse power. Everything else is doing great. The Rosa Bianca seeds just popped through the dirt this morning. What you don't see are all the seedlings I have been thinning out and transplanting into every available container I can sneak onto the window frames. I have such a conscience of wasting the extras... i will most likely offer them on the local freecycle or to the neighbors. I just can't seem to clip all of them.... So I gently pull and replant .

And I believe this is our "free exotic chick" aka the mystery chick in our hatchery order. I at first thought it was one of the Americauna's but quickly noticed a size difference. Notice the cheek puffs as the Americauna's have? So, anyone want to throw out a guess on what this chick will turn out to be?

Sweetest dreams,


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