

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pork, chicken, dog...

Our deep freezer is looking real good inside. Our half of the pig was 193 lbs hanging weight and supplied a great amount of meat to the freezer. Much more then we thought. We got 34-1 lb packs of sage sausage,6 different large roasts, a pack of ribs, 7 thick ham frying steaks, 3 hams in suitable size for our family-and a bit left over,12-1 lb packs of bacon, (I think)12-15 packs of chops proportioned into 5 super thick pork chops. I know there was more stuff, but it gives you the idea of what is in here:I shared with our Neighbor G and Tractor boy plus My cousin. So I gave away and have used 5 packs of chops, 4 packs of bacon, a pack of pigs feet for G's dog, and 3 ham steaks since receiving our pig 2 weeks ago. I will have the 15 Meat birds going in there at the end of May. I am already begging our Farm friend to do the pigs again. I love the taste from what we have had so far never want to go back to the store crud. Such moist meat and great sausage- very little grease.
The plan is to buy 25 meat birds from Mcmurray come June. That way we supply our chicken needs for the winter (stuffing the freezer) by continuing this cycle again 8-12 weeks later for another batch. We eat chicken 2-3 times a week and pork 2-3 nights a week.
Grizzle's education on the chickens has begun. I have high hopes from seeing her attitude and behavior towards this meat bird:I want her to get use to the idea these little chicks which will grow along with her are not her toy. "Not for Grizzle"! She could care less for the thing. The basement with The Captain down there, is more interesting. She has shown while being outside, the other animals are no big deal. Of course, she would never be unsupervised around them. I hope to instill these animals as part of the family in her eyes. I take her out when I feed Chia and the gang. Never let her in the pen, but bring her out and see me talk to them, care for them, and pet them. She just hangs out by the gate, waiting patiently for me to come out and throw her stick again.
We have over a foot of snow outside and a first for me was Lightning during the snow storm this morning. Never seen that before.
I have been getting up about 4:30-5am every day now and sit in the old "Mayor's office"Leather chair reading my garden books. That is until the first child wakes up...
I have seedlings that need watered and more recycled containers to prepare for the many seeds waiting their turn.
Sweet Dreams,


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