

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Bee's are coming! and other tidbits

I have been so determined I was not to go another year without Honey Bee's, i made a round of calls. At first, knowing the Beekeepers have taken a loss in so many hives, i I thought I would just buy my own bee's. The equipment needed would not be in the budget which is why i thought maybe I could find a beekeeper willing to mentor me with my bee's but their equipment.
My success came from a local beekeeper, just 5 minutes away, who is picking up a new order of bee's on the 20th of April. He decided that he will bring out the hive and set everything up with in the next week. Then on the 20th, he will be bringing out a batch of bee's from his order to add. I do not have to buy Bee's this year, but will get the experience and knowledge of Bee Keeping over the next year or so while I accumulate new equipment during that time.
So YAY! The Honey bee's are coming to The Unusual Farmchick's Suburban farmstead! I will be able to get some of the homey for my mead making and when he heard me say thats what I wanted it for, he said he would give me all the Honey I need if i share in the mead I make. Double YAY!
On another note, Chia still has me guessing- once again.She has been eating WAY more hay then usual and drinking water alot more. Rarely ever saw her drink before, but now I am getting frsh water 3 times a day. The ducks discovered her bucket so she will not drink it after they dirty it up- I do not blame her.
If she finally took to being breed this year, she should be about 10 weeks along now. I have not felt any movement, but of course, she is a chubby goat. She has girth in the ribs/barrel , which gives her the thicker look.I tried to feel just in front of the udder area which was a feat in itself. I have to straddle her back (my bottom towards her head) and let her back up into a wall to keep her still... So I thought I would share a few shots to record any progress as we go.
Back shot looking down:Booty shot:Which was fun chasing her trying to snap pics while the neighbors were out in their yards... I'd laugh too if I saw the neighbor following her goat around, snapping pics of its Butt....

And a "lounging in the grass while the sun is still warm" shot:I have half of the Mangels planted. The other 2 pathways are done. A sod roof Toad house is erected on the back(north/west) side of the pond- with a few flower seeds planted in a few choice cracks. Sweet Pea's are sown in Panda's garden.
The Blackberries and other plants have been given a big heap of compost to add some Spring Boost. I lost 2 rose bushes over the winter, but not one was from my heirloom rose find- Thankfully.
There is an old Lilac tree out back which died away and I cut up a few years back. I left some of the branches and I am happy to report, it is sprouting suckers from the root crown! It has done nothing for over 2 years and this was the year we were to pull it out.
ALL chicks are now out in the pen yard (broilers during the day in A frame chicken tractor.) All are doing well and the chicks seem so happy to take a dust bath and stretch out beneath the sun.
I spent yesterday shoveling 2 trips worth of Compost from Farmer guy's family Farm. Frog and I discovered a penned young bull calf (no one was home) and quickly became overcome with giggles as it's soppy tongue tried so hard to find milk from our arms. We also discovered Farm Guy's dad bought a horse! Not sure if it is a clydes dale- I do not know my horses that well- but It is a Plow horse and a blonde, massive, beauty at that! I will make sure to bring the camera out next time. I thought of it before leaving, but who would want to see a 150ft long mound of composting manure?
I have Chia's hooves to trim tomorrow and the Goat cabin needs cleaned out-BAD! Too much of the bedding and hay accumulating for this weather.
Sweet dreams,


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