

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Garden begins to take shape

The weekend brought beautiful weather at 63 (F) degrees. I have sunburn (in Ohio-in early April!) on my shoulders from wearing an A tank, while we played in the dirt.
I have all the fence post holes dug for the posts around the garden, waiting on the fence. A bit of advice, It is easier to dig in wet clay then summer dry clay! The ground is still wet deep in the earth which made it so much easier of a job!
I have the frog/toad habitat pond in place and the rocks surrounding are done for the most part. I have the leaf stepping stones in place and level for 2 of the 4 walking paths plus a path around the pond. I ran out of stones, so will need to go back and get about 15 from Lowes to finish it up.
The cabbage, onions, and garlic are all in the ground, covered with straw and looking good.
The 1 bean "tepee" is in place. I plan to use a different system of 2x1's/ twine for the rest of the bean supports. The tepee is a project I made mid winter that did not come out as well as I would have liked. I did not buy scrap lumber for the legs, but the wood was not straight. There for not giving me the option of a lattice effect on the outside of the legs. Instead, I had to go with the inside to add more stability. I will use twine around the legs for the beans to climb up, and by doing this, it should "tie in" it's look with the rest of the bean supports.
The mini orchard is taking shape.Right now the yard has the appearance of an insane pirate's treasure quest. Holes everywhere!That is, the holes are dug in preparation of their arrival in 1 week. (The trees, not the pirates). I added compost to the holes bottoms and mixed in some soil.

The chicks got their first feel of sunshine and their first taste of grass and dirt. The meat birds and the layers went into chicken tractors for the day. This will be a daily thing since the goal is to have them out by 6 weeks. Although a few of the chicks are smaller and escapes through the wire spaces were made, they stuck close to the cage and my well behaved barnyard paid them no bother. Clyde actually sat by the cage almost in a protective watch. He has been in a rather odd disposition lately. I know it is most like to do with the season and weather. he actually bit at my pants leg a few times. Frog has got it down to snapping at him "No CLYDE". Shaking her chubby little fingers at him at batting at his beak (which she misses- every time). None the less, the mating has begun more frequent between him and Bonnie. I have caught her up in the hay loft- I think she is looking for a spot to lay eggs. I will not let her hatch out any this year.
The captain made a new fire pit. i am rather happy about it. The last one was so, ummm, ugly. And not well made at all. (Sorry honey). Our dryer broke mid winter, so we had it sitting in the garage, waiting to go for scrap. The The captain let Lil' man tear it apart with his need and hunger to unscrew things. And that he did! That boy had the dryer apart in 2 days! he is such a mechanical genius. he never fails to amaze me (frighten or tick me off- depending on the event) with his thinking skills. He finds solutions to what ever is at hand effectively. he has always been this way and since he has been in preschool, it seems to have calmed the the frightening and upsetting ones. I no longer have to check all the outlets to see if the face plates have been screwed off, for example. he hid a screw driver under his pillow for that very job at age 3... I kept finding screw drivers and could not figure out how he was getting them- until The Captain put a lock on the tool box.
I trailed off there, sorry. Anyway, After lil' Man had the dryer in parts, The captain saw the drum where the clothes go in and thought he would recycle it into a fire ring. Buried it into the ground and used brick to encircle the showing portion. The perfect small fire ring. (With Lil' Mans help of course. He also helped transport some of the dirt with his Tonka dump trucks. Not as fast as a shovel, but he wanted to help).

I will share a picture of it in action once we get the bonfire season going. he did do a test a fire in it yesterday, burning some of the brush acquired over the winter. It did pretty well. No blowing up, toxic smells, escaping flames.

The goal this week is to get some more of those rose bushes I dug up last year. Remember the ones that were growing, untended for at least a decade on the abandoned old farm? They are still there and I am going back for more. As many as I can get as quick as possible. i guess there are plans for the property to eventually be a plaza (strip of stores/office's). I am sending some out to a woman in Florida who is sending me a started patchouli tree! I also have some Cardamom starts coming once the weather warms up more. These will be indoor plants for me, but that also means eventually I will have some to share with some of you next year in a giveaway.

Sweet sunny dreams,


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