

Monday, July 7, 2008

Berry hunt and more garden life

Panda turned 9 on the 4th of July. Her request for her special day was to camp outside by the fire-ALL of us... We grilled out and roasted marshmellows. Cuddled up in the tent after some great conversation, star gazing, and lightning bug collecting. Running around in the morning sun clad still in PJ's, we made clover flower bracelets and Nature Crowns. (which consisted of long grass stalk, small mulberry branching and a few Zinnia flowers.
I gave one Delaware rooster away-Thankfully. Now I have the Americauna roo which has become rather mean to the others. The Friz has taken the most punishment of his ways:
I heard him crow 1 day and the next he is attacking Mrs. Frizzle in the garden. Absolutely no gentlemanly ways in that guy. So if he is here when I get the date set with a local guy...Off with his head! Nobody messes with The Friz! She has become my shadow as of late. Just chatters away to me and if I sit, she is begging to get up in my arms. She truly has become my deep favorite. Such a little charmer. She knows who controls the corn.
Trying to decide if this is a sugar pumpkin or a delicata...hmmm. See "unorganized gardener" in the profile....Yep, thats me.
And this came up in Lil' Man's garden where we planted the "seeds for kids" packet from Bountiful gardens. No idea what this:
Or this is:

Any ideas? I suspect some kind of sugar pea for the last but maybe I'm way off. Has the leaves kinda like the sweet peas...
I got 2 cups of Blackberries from our secret trail. I picked 6 cups of Mulberries today while #2 & #3 slept. I have all of them freezing on trays and am in the process of making Farmers cheese as I type. Which will soon be turned into Blue Cheese for my Father in law- who has a deep love for the Blue cheese. The man LOVES the stuff. What could make a better birthday present for him from his Daughter in law-an item from a goat I raise, love, tend to and milk. Then lovingly took that milk from all the before mentioned work and turned it into his favorite cheese- which has to cure for at least 2 months which is why I am making it now...
Getting excited for this weekend. Tuesday's brother is having me up for some shooting lessons and Skeet shooting fun- Fireworks in the evening. O.k. Its not for me. But he made a point to invite me and make sure I get to come up to shoot clay. Gotta check on Zeus while there. Make sure his band is working. I will bemaking cheesecake from Fernies milk and a few different flavored cheeses. Gotta go pick more blackberries to put on the cheesecakes....
Sweet dreams,


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