

Friday, July 11, 2008

Boys and tears...

As you well know by now, we are big into reserving a friendly environment for our frog and toad population. But we have had some problems as of late. The 2 legged kind. There are 2 neighbor brothers, ages 8 and 14, who have taken a shine to the frog habitat in our ditch. The road drain off-open top- which is on/connecting to our property. We HAD brought the spottable population down there from just a few to over fourteen this year. That is no longer. Those 2 boys have been crossing the road over to where the drain pipe pirs into the ditch and brings their BB gun to shoot the frogs dead. Panda informed them we do not like it and it was mean. Please stop. So every time they would see us, they would leave the frog spot. the next day, they were down there gun in hand, shooting our little green friends once again. As soon as they saw me pull in our drive, they high tailed back to their house. That following day they left the gun and decided to just catch them and bring the frogs back to their house for shooting. As Panda walked back from her friends house and spotted what they were doing, she informed them" My mom and I are animals lovers and you need to stop killing our frogs." They ignored her so she informed them "I'm going to go tell my mom!" I was already on my way walking towards them and she let me know what was going on. I yelled out to them "Please guys, stop doing that!". Ignored once again. I went down to the ditch which has been littered by kids juice box's and soda cans lately- which infuriated me even more. So I threw a tantrunm and those juice box's right at their driveway, yelling I was tired of this sh** and it will stop NOW! I called the local police department and was informed they could do nothing unless the kids were caught littering or with the gun out of their yard by the police. So I put this up in hopes of getting my point across:
As I went back to the sign, making sure no one disturbed it, Those boys pulled in with their dad (40 something who lives with his mom and dad with the boys visiting in the summer). The dad was eating an apple from atop their hill drive and glared at me over his apple. Of course I was not in the mood from being messed with (and PMS is in the door) so I smiled up at him and yelled a jolly "HI!" smiling ear to ear. he just glared. The older boy said something to his dad about turning my sign around. Go ahead punk. Touching that sign means trespassing onto my property. I will press charges on your punk butt. Do not mess with me. I do not play well with disrespectful people and parents who let their kids kill animals for fun. It may be just a sign, but the grandparents are far more respectful and I feel once they see the sign, would tell the boys to stay away. We will see.
Another boy upseting me is Lil' Man. He decided Frog needed a hair cut and those beautiful curls are now just a fond memory...Yes those are bald spots on her forehead.There was a small section of hair on the neck and one side of her head. No way to save it, so she has the hair cut of a boy...Tears falling on cut curls...
And for the last guy...Captain feather sword, our silkie roo has passed away. He had been with us for almost 5 years and have no idea how old he was when we got him. he stopped crowing a few weeks back. He seemed to not have the energy he once had. I thought it may have been because of him sensing the new bigger roosters coming into maturity. But it seems, he was just getting to that last weeks of his life. A life that showed such gentleness towards us and his ladies. Never roughing them. Such a gentleman with his ladies. He stuck to them like glue that last few weeks and when we found him, Fletcher was nudging him. Not pecking in meanness, but like she was trying to get him to move. He is buried in the side yard. I could not dispose of him like trash when he meant so much more to us and his ladies. He lead a great life.
On a happier note, The blue cheese is now in the basement fridge to cure. I have Farmers cheese draining it's whey in that fridge too. It will be made into cheesecake for tomorrow's skeet shooting fun event. I'm making that cheesecake from scratch and will leave it plain with a graham cracker crust. As side dishes, wild black raspberries and strawberries made into a toppings for who ever should choose to try it.( apparently I have been picking those and not blackberries. Black berries do not have the hollow indent as Raspberries do**). I am also making little cupcake cheesecakes with the Jello brand mix with Fernie's milk too. Also plain with a choice of toppings with a graham cracker crust. The little ones I feel would appeal more to the children, and the taste may be more appealing for their inexperienced taste buds.
I am so pumped up, I hope I can sleep tonight! Of course, this lone road trip would not be complete without a trip to the serenity creek and more stepping stones carried home in the truck bed.
Sweetest dreams,


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