

Monday, July 14, 2008

What a rush!

It rained the entire party day. My clothes were soaking wet . Making my shirt cling to me in the most unattractive way- not to mention showing off my very bloated monthly induced belly. My Camo shorts hung off my hip bones, threatening to slip with one more pour of rain. But I did not care. I just kept pulling them up and tying them tighter. Threw the flip flops on to the porch since I slid more in the m, then I did in the mud.
The clay pigeons were flying. The guns were sounding. And the good times were being had by all who came. Laughter and relaxation. Good people, good drinks, big guns and the next day , A BIG mess... (Responsible gun ownership/use was highly practiced. I do not want to paint a picture of it the wrong way). Tuesday's Husband, Chico, let me shoot our Family gun, a .22 Cal. No kick at all. I had experienced shot guns before so it made me feel kinda wimpy- like a pellet gun.(my actual cousin who shares the brother sister love with me is Chico. When I was a little girl, I made him promise that he would marry no one else but me. I think I was 6 or 7 and he was the love of my single digit life. LOL..) I wanted to play with the big boys! Who by the way totaly hogged the skeet shooting. Darn them! My dear Danny boy has promised me more skeet shooting times here soon. With no other boys hogging up the fun.As you know, I am not one to agree with shooting anything alive for fun. I believe if you shoot it, skin the darn thing and eat it! Do not treat it as though its life meant nothing. Thank it for the sacrifice it has given for your family. This my opinion and no one has to agree with me. But I was also raised to know deer meat as a blessing when nothing else was able to fill our bellies. If you have ever gone hungry as a child, then you would know the thankful sight of a deer, a rabbit, or even a squirrel is when you have nothing. Just show thanks and respect.- enough of the rant. Here is Zeus and his best friend Buster:Zeus cries for him when ever he wanders away. They follow each other and Zeus will not move untill Buster is next to him and walking the way I try to lead him. Danny Boy will be building a pen this week. he has been so busy with work he has not had the time. So Zeus goes on his line by the Cabin, with Buster at his side. they sleep neck over neck. Cuddle up together and everything. Such an amazing site. Once the pen is up, they will be getting a goat friend for Zeus. This should be done before Summers end.
I will be going up in the next few weeks to butcher our chickens. Hopefully, it stays nice so I can do some skeet! The plan is for Tuesday and I to go up about once a month to her Moms cabin. Make it into our getaway with no husbands or kids. It is so much less for us to drive up there and hang out for a weekend then to go anywhere else.
The Serenity creek was up too high for collecting more flat stones. We at least were able to enjoy the view- after getting lost on our way to it from a different direction. Lots of vineyards up there by the way.
Can't wait to get these meat birds out of here. They stink and have become a pain to keep this long (almost 5 months!). Never again. I need to rest while the kids are. I am still sore from the weekend fun.
Sweet dreams,


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