

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Clever little things

Business cards were once considered the face of your business. It's the little thing you left with a person you've met, the little thing that will remind them of you when they look at it. The little thing that essentially represents you and your business. The standard business card size is 55mm x 95mm. Not a very large space at all, but it's large enough for these designers to have done these amazing works. All images found on It even as a watermark (remember the scene in American Psycho where Christian Bales break into a sweat from his jealousy of a coworkers card that has a watermark, classic!). A fitting name for a blog all about business cards. Sometimes these can verge on just being a gimmick, but if successful, they can be a hit. I previously posted other business cards I liked here. Click images to see a larger view.


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